100% Online Degree

Allied Health Associate’s Degree

An affordable path to prepare for a career in healthcare management, this associate’s program transfers to a bachelor’s degree.


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Associate Degree in Allied Health

The Associate of Applied Science in Allied Health Science degree program is designed to prepare students for entry positions in health careers or supporting roles. Students will complete an educational stepping-stone towards a long-term career goal while completing a liberal arts education in general studies, combined with a focus on biological sciences.  Students will demonstrate skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and contemporary issues related to health care.

Estimated Annual Cost: $8,280

Cost estimate based on enrollment in 45 annual quarter hours with current Tuition and Fees. Cost includes fees for textbooks and materials.


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Career Paths

Nursing Home Administrators
Manage staff, admissions, finances, and care of the building, as well as care of the residents in nursing homes. All states require licensure for nursing home administrators; licensing requirements vary by state.
Clinical Managers
Oversee a specific department, such as nursing, surgery, or physical therapy, and have responsibilities based on that specialty. Clinical managers set and carry out policies, goals, and procedures for their departments; evaluate the quality of the staff’s work; and develop reports and budgets.
Health Information Managers
Responsible for the maintenance and security of all patient records and data. They must stay up to date with evolving information technology, current or proposed laws about health information systems, and trends in managing large amounts of complex data. Health information managers must ensure that databases are complete, accurate, and accessible only to authorized personnel.

What You Will Learn


Students will formulate communications that reflect ethics in the healthcare environment.


Students will be able to relate the functions and relationships among the various organ systems of the human body.


Students will be able to demonstrate practical knowledge of human systems.


Students will be able to describe relationships between social behavior and public health.

Leadership. Character. Civility.

Attending GMC is about more than just earning a degree. We prepare our graduates to stand out in the world by teaching leadership skills, character education, and ethics. GMC grads have the grit and determination to be successful in an ever-changing job market.

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Why pay more for the same degree?

Thanks to our Transfer Agreements, GMC Online students can take their college credits with them to dozens of other colleges and universities. Why pay more for core curriculum when you take the same accredited courses at GMC Online for less, and then transfer to the four-year college of your choice? Here’s a cost comparison:

“My GMC Online Enrollment Coach really believed in me, and pushed me to want to do better for myself… One year later, I found myself with a degree and two jobs. I was very quickly able to get myself a new car, put my son in a better school, and eventually buy myself a house. I became an all-around happier and healthier person thanks to GMC Online.”

— Charity Suggs, Graduate

Recent Grads

Concentration Courses

BIO 207 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 6qh

This course is an integration of anatomical structure with physiological function, systematically examining basic histology and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and sensory systems. Laboratory work includes histology, dissection, and physiological experiments. Lecture 4.5 hours; Laboratory 1.5 hours.
Prerequisite: BIO 123 or BIO 211

BIO 208 Human Anatomy & Physiology II I 6qh

This course a continuation of the study of human systems, with emphasis on the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Laboratory work includes extensive histology, dissection, and physiological experiments appropriate to systems studies. Lecture 4.5 hours; Laboratory 1.5 hours.

BIO 103 Medical Terminology I 2qh

This course is a study of the meanings and origins of medical and scientific terminology to include relevant medical and biological abbreviations and symbols. This course includes basic vocabulary to facilitate understanding and use of terminology in courses required for pre-professional degrees such as Pre-nursing and for other medically related fields.

PSY 203 Introduction to Psychology I 5qh

The course is a study of general psychology that includes the fundamental theories of psychology, the relationship of psychology to other disciplines and the application of psychology to human relations.

MAT 200 Applied General Probability & Statistics I 5qh

This course is an overview of the ideas and concepts that is basic to modern statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, and linear regression. Students will be exposed to applications from `a variety of fields.

ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I I 5qh

This course is a study of the underlying theory and application of financial accounting concepts. It includes the study of the accounting cycle, the preparation and interpretation of basic financial statements, and the study of fundamental accounting principles.

BUS 204 Business Communications I 5qh

This course is a study of the theory and practice in the organization, content, and style of business letters; the role of business reports and their types; collecting, organizing, and interpreting data; written presentations; oral presentations; practice in writing business letters and reports; and practice in making oral presentations.

SOC 210 Societal Issues and Trends in Healthcare I 5qh

This course is an interdisciplinary course that challenges students’ ability to understand and analyze complex societal implications in healthcare. Students will evaluate how culture, technology, the economy, and sociological and psychological processes influence modern healthcare.

Hiring Partners

GMC is fortunate to have partnerships with a wide range of businesses who hire our graduates. Here are a few of our partners:

Frequently Asked Questions

About This Program

The Associate of Applied Science in Allied Health Science degree program is designed to prepare students for entry positions in health careers or supporting roles. Students will complete an educational stepping stone towards a long-term career goal, while completing a liberal arts education in general studies, combined with a focus on biological sciences. Students will demonstrate skills in critical thinking, problem solving, and contemporary issues related to healthcare.

Degree Program Coordinator

Randy Elvidge, relvidge@gmc.edu

Program Benefits

Students completing this degree program could enhance an existing allied health career, seek, or obtain entry-level employment in an allied health-related field, or continue their education in a degree such as the Bachelor of Applied Science in Healthcare Management. Employment of medical and health services managers is projected to grow 18% from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. Entry-level allied health positions are often found in facilities such as hospitals, physicians’ offices, dental offices, chiropractic offices, insurance companies, outpatient clinics, long-term care facilities, and rehabilitation centers.

Cost for the Degree

Average Annual Cost for this Degree:

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*Terms & Conditions: This program applies solely to individuals referred to the GMC online campus and does NOT include GMC employees or those who have previously been referred to our institution. The referral program officially launched on June 23, 2023. Please note that referrals made before this date will not be eligible for rewards.

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