Character & Leadership

Our next term starts in:

Leadership Across the Curriculum

The goal of the Leadership Across the Curriculum (LEAC) Program is to do what can be done to ensure that students leave the college better prepared to meet future ethical challenges and better prepared to be leaders in whatever pathway they choose to pursue.

At Georgia Military Global Online Leadership College, we develop your intellect through accredited academic programs, while implementing a deliberate and intensive character & leadership education program that occupies a position of critical importance in the college mission.

The term “Leadership Across the Curriculum” describes a trend in higher education that calls for the infusion of the study of leadership into all aspects of the college academic program in ways that promote ethical inquiry and encourage students to take leadership seriously as a developed personal motivation by promoting and living the virtues of civility and respect for others.

In general, the principal goal of the Georgia Military Global Online Leadership College program is to graduate students who are more likely to know and do what is right. Other goals of the college’s  program are:

  • To provide students with multiple opportunities to study, discuss with civility, and think about ethical issues they will encounter in their personal and professional lives.
  • To equip students with the tools to think through leadership issues in a critical and responsible way.
  • To create an environment in which students practice “civil” discourse in the presence of differing views and thereby learn to speak civilly to each other, work through disagreements, and treat each other with respect.
  • To develop sensitivity in our students to the suffering of others and an inclination to help those in need.
  • To improve life in our classrooms, on our campuses, and in our communities.

Let us help you to become the best possible version of yourself.