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Important Scholarship Information

Our coaches are aware of the concerns students may have regarding financing their college education, and wants to assist by providing the best options available. We offer several scholarships through GMC, and many external scholarships, as well. Through the generous donations of Georgia Military College’s donors, the GMC Foundation provides numerous scholarships to eligible students worth more than $75,000 per year. To apply for Foundation Scholarships which are not GMC Campus specific, you may click the link below to be navigated to Scholarship Universe, GMC’s NEW Scholarship Engine! Scholarship Universe houses not only Foundation Scholarship opportunities for eligible students attending any of GMC’s campuses, but also thousands of external scholarships from vetted organizations nationwide!

Apply Here!

Scholarship Universe Instructions



Georgia Scholarships

HOPE Scholarship
Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship is available to Georgia residents who have demonstrated academic achievement.
The scholarship provides money to assist students with their educational costs of attending college in Georgia.
The HOPE Scholarship does not pay for Learning Support (remedial) classes, after July 1, 2011. Recipients do not
receive a book allowance for attendance at GMC. At least half-time enrollment is required. HOPE eligibility is
determined using attempted hours and GPA.

HERO Scholarship
Georgia’s HERO Scholarship Program provides educational scholarship assistance to members of the Georgia
National Guard and U.S. Military Reservists who served in combat zones, and the children and the spouses of such
members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reserves.

Zell Miller Scholarship
Georgia’s Zell Miller Scholarship is available to Georgia residents who have demonstrated academic achievement.
The scholarship provides money to assist students with their educational costs of attending college in Georgia.
The Zell Miller Scholarship does not pay for Learning Support (remedial) classes, after July 1, 2011. At least halftime
enrollment is required. Recipients do not receive a book allowance for attendance at GMC.

Apply by visiting Georgia Student Finance

Georgia College Completion Grant

Georgia College Completion Grant Program provides grant aid to assist eligible students who are within 80% of earning their degree and have an outstanding balance due to Direct Costs at their eligible postsecondary institution. Eligible students may receive a College Completion Grant award of up to $2,500, depending on the extent of their outstanding balance of Direct Costs. Recipients must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program and must be meeting all other eligibility requirements.

Apply Here

Military Service Member Scholarship

Georgia Military Global Online Leadership College recognizes service members who defend our country and support the freedom we have today by offering a military service member scholarship. Students who are active duty or reservist called up for active duty are eligible.

Recipients of the Military Service Member Scholarship will be awarded:

  • No application fee
  • No textbook fee
Military Member & Family Scholarship

Georgia Military Global Online Leadership College recognizes all service members, veterans, and their spouses and dependents by awarding this scholarship of up to $2000/year*. Applicants must:

  • Apply for State of Georgia Aid(GSFApp) – if Georgia residency requirements are met –
  • Apply for federal financial aid at www.
  • Provide documentation of military affiliation. We cannot accept a photocopy of a Military ID or CAC(Common Access Card). Documentation may include but is not limited to: Certificate of Eligibility (COE) if using VA benefits, TA request for the term (MYCAA for spouses), DD-214 for Active and Veteran students, Active-Duty orders if spouse/dependent moved with the member listed on the orders. These items must be submitted through the scholarship universe upon application.

This scholarship is reserved for GMC students only. Transient and Non-Degree seeking students are not eligible.

**Scholarship award contingent on available funds

Presidential Scholarship - General

The GMC Presidential Scholarship is awarded to students who not only demonstrate dedication and perseverance in the classroom, but also in their community.  Applicants must meet the minimum requirements below to be eligible for the GMC Presidential Scholarship:

Minimum 2.5  college GPA

  • Letter of recommendation from a college faculty/staff member or high school guidance counselor, teacher or principal
  • At least 20 hours of documented community service by an outside agency
  • Apply for State (GSFApp) Financial Aid (if Georgia resident)
  • Recipients of the GMC Presidential Scholarship will be awarded up to $2,000 per year.

Contact an enrollment coach to receive the form to submit an application.

Presidential Scholarship - First Term

The GMC Presidential Scholarship is awarded to students that are starting their first term at Georgia Military Global Online Leadership College. We will award this to those that not only demonstrate dedication and perseverance in the classroom but also in their community. Recipients of the GMC First Term Scholarship will be awarded up to a $500.00 one-time award. Apply through Scholarship Universe, and apply for State (GSFApp) Financial Aid (if Georgia resident).

Senior Citizen Scholarship

Georgia Military Global Online Leadership College offers students 62 years in age or older a scholarship. In addition to meeting the minimum age requirement, applicants must meet the qualifications below to be eligible to receive the Senior Student  Scholarship:

  • Apply for State (GSFApp) Financial Aid (if Georgia resident)
  • Recipients of the GMC Senior Student Scholarship will be awarded:
    •  10% off of tuition only
    • No textbook fees

Apply though Scholarship Universe.

GMC Law Enforcement & Public Safety Scholarship

Georgia Military Global Online Leadership College offers a scholarship to those in the community who offer immediate assistance in the event of an accident or emergency.  This includes police officers, peace officers, firefighters (including volunteers), EMT’s, paramedics etc. and their spouses/dependents.

Recipients of this scholarship may be awarded 10% of tuition costs. We’re expanding our commitment to our law enforcement heroes and their families by offering a 10% discount scholarship to their spouses and dependents. Together, we can build a brighter future for the families who stand behind our community’s protectors.

All students must meet all requirements to be fully admitted to the college to receive institutional scholarships. All students are required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students who are Georgia residents must complete the Georgia Student Finance Application (GSFApp). All eligible awards associated with these grants must be applied prior to consideration for GMC scholarships.

To receive this scholarship, the applicant need only show they are employed by a Law Enforcement/Public Safety agency/organization – proof of employment is a badge, or diploma, or pay stub, or ID card, or memo from their agency/organization.

Read more on the benefits offered to our Peace Officers here.